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The MyoXV2 is ideal for both Pre and Post Training Rolling Routines. PRE EXERCISE Prepares the muscles by increasing their elasticity, reducing stiffness, promoting circulation and increasing local temperature which enhances muscle fibre activation.
POST EXERCISE Enhances blood flow to rehydrate the fascia, reduces pain in the muscles and joints, improves muscle tone and Range Of Movement ROM which is vital for rest and recovery. To gently relieve muscle tension and stiffness in the neck and back. Ergonomically designed to roll out and release troublesome trigger points surrounding the spine.
Helps break up soft tissue adhesions fascia and scar tissue responsible for tight and aching muscles. Improves range of motion of spinal joints and reduces chance of recurring back and neck pain. Can also be used on feet, calves, hip flexors, adductors, hamstrings and shoulders. Pulsating Therapy with 4 Vibration rhythms. Free of rubber latex safe for rubber allergy sufferers. Over 30 exercises included.
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