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What is “The Transition”

The transition area is where the TRYathlete will store their bike and kit for the three stages (swimming, cycling, running) of the TRYathlon. You will use this area twice; once to change from your swim to your bike, and the second time from your bike to your run.

For safety reasons, only TRYathlete’s and the Event Help Team are allowed in the transition area.

Transition Tips

The most unfamiliar part of TRYathlon is the transition between legs. This is where you need to go from swim to bike and bike to run. For the Splash & Dash event, you will go from swim straight onto the run.

It is important to practice the transitions beforehand to get your body used to doing a different activity straight away as it uses different muscles and you’ll need to practice getting changed into the right clothing for the next leg.

Practicing the transitions will improve the chances that it will all go smoothly on the day.



A rite of passage for all kiwi kids aged 6-15 years! To date over 475,000 kiwi kids have given it a TRY. Open to kiwi kids of all sporting abilities, the Sanitarium Weet-Bix Kids Tryathlon is a fun day out for the whole family!

Learn more

TRYathlon Tips

Transition 1: Swim to Bike

For the swim to bike you could practice this at the swimming pool or beach, or you could even try this at home, by running around under the sprinkler, drying yourself and then then putting your biking clothes on.

Transition 2: Bike to Run

For the bike to run you could try biking for a few minutes and then go straight to running off the bike. Sometime when you hop off your bike and start running your legs can feel a bit like jelly!

You should get used to drying yourself, putting your shoes and helmet on and getting on and off your bike. Remember to practice in fully closed shoes so you get used to putting them on in Transition on the event day.

Splash & Dash Tips

Transition 1: Swim to Run

For the swim to run you could practice this at the swimming pool or beach, or you could even try this at home, by running around under the sprinkler, drying yourself and then then putting your running clothes on.

You should get used to drying yourself and putting your shoes on. Remember to practice in fully closed shoes so you get used to putting them on in Transition on the event day.

Make sure you practice how you are going to celebrate as you cross the finish line too!
